
Welcome to my blog. I have much to share and much to say. I've filled my 57 years with many events and experiences - some good and some horrible. Join in and follow the life I've lived and the lessons I've learned!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Boarding House

It was the early 70s in upper New York. I moved into a little boarding house just outside the gate of West Point. I rented a bed for $3.00 a night - just a twin sized bed in an old lady's house. I was getting paid $1.65/hour at my photography studio job. I shared a room with eight other girls - dorm style (barracks?) - the other girls mostly were weekenders, visiting their cadet boyfriends. Eventually, since I was long-timer, the landlady gave me a tiny room just big enough for a twin bed with a tiny closet. I did not have any kitchen privileges and I had to share the tiny bathroom with all the other girls and was not allowed to keep anything personal in the bathroom. I lived on whatever at the time could be made with a hot water pot. Microwave ovens had not yet been invented; neither was Cup O'Noodles. So I made hot dogs and oatmeal, mostly. There also was no TV or any downstairs privileges - I could only enter by the front door and immediately go up the stairs to my room (once a maid's quarters). I had a little radio that I was not allowed to play loudly. That was life renting a room in someone's house back then!

Flash forward to 2010. I now have a boarder living in my house - I give him two rooms and his own bathroom for $400.00/month. He does have kitchen privileges and brings his kid with him whenever he has visitation. I'm trying to be a good landlady, but it's hard to have someone strange living in your house. I don't think I like the familiarity. Maybe my old landlady was right to keep it all separate.

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